Cazpurr Bengal Cats

PPoisonous Plants to your kitty



This is a partial list of poisonous indoor and outdoor plants that may be lurking in your home or yard and harmful to your kitty. As pretty as they may be, you should be on the alert....

One of the first things a cat owner should look at is just how the risk of these plants is to your kitty. Consider your cat's age. Is he a kitten or full grown adult? Many, if not most, kittens make their way through the world by exploring and investigating everything orally. In other words, they love to chew, chew, chew! Most kittens grow out of this stage as they mature and stop teething.

Another risk factor is your cat's penchant for plant chewing. Some cats are just naturally drawn to plant leaves and flowers, regardless of their age, while others virtually ignore them. You know your cat best - you are the best judge of potential chewing problems. Many toxic plants rarely pose a threat because the majority of cats just don't chew on them. They don't typically find these plants tempting or agreeable, and so avoid eating them, even if they are commonly found in their environment. So the age and tendencies of your cat plays a great role in their safety.

Keep in mind also that cats will have varying reactions to different plants. Some will cause only a mild rash or itchiness, while contact with others result in more severe irritations such as facial and throat pain and swelling. This can turn fatal if the airway becomes blocked. Still other plants (though not as common) are extremely toxic and can quickly cause death from even the smallest exposure to them.

Toxic effects of plants, however, vary greatly between species and can change according to the status of a plant's health. Several important factors should be considered here. These include the time of year it is, the stage of a plant's growth, the conditions of growth (is the plant healthy and thriving, barely alive, dormant?), humidity, the age of a plant, and many other issues. Time of year is very significant; it can actually make all the difference in the toxicity of a plant. The level and concentration of poisons in a plant can easily change not only from year to year, but throughout the growing season. Environmental factors play a vital role throughout the year. Have you underwatered the plant and caused it to dry out? Is the air in your house humid? There are just so many things to think about!

Unfortunately if your cat has been exposed to and poisoned by a plant, diagnosis can be difficult to pinpoint. The best way to verify diagnosis of toxic plant ingestion is often to find the specific plant physically present in your house. You need to properly identify the plant, then check to see if the cat ingested it. Look for leaves or twigs that have been chewed on or near the plant itself, or collect stool or vomit samples and look for fragments there. Always bring anything you find with you to the veterinarian.

There are not many antibiotics available to cure plant poisoning. Usually the best thing to do is help quicken the elimination of the plant from the gastrointestinal tract. Symptomatic and supportive care follow once the poison leaves the cat's system. This should all be done under a veterinarian's care. If you've discovered the source of the poison, remove all dangerous plants from your house to prevent recurrence.
The above is an excerpt from Just HOW Poisonous are Those Plants? by Carolyn Artale additional information The Poop


Poisonous Houseplants

Common Name Botanical Name Poisonous Part
Bird of Paradise Strelizia regirae Fruit, seeds
Boston Ivy Parthenocissus quinquefolia All parts
Caladium Caladium All parts
Creeping Charlie Glecoma hederacea All parts
Dumbcane Dieffenbachia All parts
Emerald Duke Philodendron hastatum All parts
Glacier Ivy Hedera glacier Leaves, berries
Heartleaf Philadendron cordatum All parts
English Ivy Hedera helix Leaves, berries
Marble Queen Scindapsus aureus All parts
Majesty Philodendron hastatum All parts
Nephthytis, Arrowhead Vine Synogonium podophyllum albolineatum All parts
Parlor Ivy Philodendron cordatum All parts
Pothos Scindapsus aureus All parts
Red Princess Philodendron hastatum All parts
Saddleleaf Philodendron selloum All parts
Split leaf Philodendron Monstera deliciosa All parts
Umbrella Plant Cyperus alternifolius All parts
Poisonous Outdoor Plants
Common Name Botanical Name Poisonous Part
Apricot Prunus ameniaca Stem, bark, seed pits
Azalea Rhododendron occidentale All parts
Baneberry Actaea Spicata Berries, roots, foliage
Buchberry Lantana All parts
Castor Bean Ricinus communis Seeds, if chewed
Choke Cherry Prunus virginica Leaves, seed pits, stems, bark
Daffodil Narcissus Bulbs
Daphne Daphne mezereum Berries, bark, leaves
Foxglove Digitalis purpura Leaves, seeds, flowers
Hemlock Conium maculatum All parts, root and root stalk
Hens-and-Chicks Lantana All parts
Hyacinth Hyacinthus orientalis Bulbs, leaves, flowers
Hydrangea Hydrangea macrophylla Leaves, buds
Jerusalem Cherry Solanim pseudocapscium All parts, unripe fruit
Jimson Weed Datura stramonium All parts
Jonquil Narcissus Bulbs
Lily-of-the-Valley Convallaria majalis All parts
Mandrake Podophyllum peltatum Roots, foliage, unripe fruit
Mistletoe Phoradendron Flavescens Berries
Morning Glory Ipomoea violaces Seeds
Nightshade Atropa belladonna All parts
Oleander Norium Oleander All parts, including dried leaves
Poinsettia Euphorbia pulcherrima Leaves, flowers
Pokeweed, Inkberry Phytolacca americana All parts
Red Sage Lantana camara Green berries
Rhododendron Rhododendron All parts
Rhubarb Rheum raponticum Leaves
Sweet Pea Lathyrus odoratus Seeds, pods
Tulip Tulipa Bulbs
Wisteria Wisteria Seeds, pods
Yew Taxus Needles, bark, seeds